Phase 2

Miguel Beltre   

College English Composition

March 11, 2023


The impact of Social Media & Technology


Over the last decades we have had many technological advancement, many of those advancements have an impact on the daily life of many people. The impact and influence it had can be disguised as something that innovated the way many of us communicate. Social Media is a significant factor of the way we communicate. The internet revolution has had a big impact on everything nowadays, there is no faster way to be updated of what’s going on in the world without social media. If you want to communicate with anybody now, you can just send a message to family, friends or even your boss. Social media has its pros and its cons, even though that is the fastest way to make new friends,communicate  and  stay updated with the latest news, it also has a negative impact on some people, especially  the youth.


Social media has become an immense part of society. Many people use social media. Adults, teens, even the elderly use social media. Recent research from shows 2021 shows that more than eighty- four percent of the social media users are teens. There are many pros and cons to social media, the negative side of social media is what many know as Cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is basically  the modern way of bullying. I can lead to people feeling depressed anxious which leads to suicidal thought or someone to hurt themselves. Cyberbullying is very used in social media, people electronically send a message to bully a person or comment to make the other person feel some type of way. All of us humans who are living in the twenty-first century can reside without having a phone. Numbers of social networking and internet usage have increased an enormous amount. Most of us use social media to entertain our life but others don’t, they rather ruin other people’s lives through the internet.  When it comes to me personally I have never been a victim of cyberbullying, but I have known people that have gone through it and I can say that it was very hard for them, and it is something I wish doesn’t happen to anyone. 


Media is evolving so rapidly, especially that media that captures the attention of the children. There uptodate forms of media that grow with rapid technology usage. There are many factors for which many believe that benefits the children’s interactions. Social media is not the only essential part of socialization nowadays. Back then children could have made friends in the park or in school, now it’s easier to make friends through social media or an online game. Let’s think of how that would impact a child’s communication skills further on in life. In many cases not too well because they have not built the foundation of communicating right if they are not communicating through the internet. In many cases some children follow what they see or learn from social media and make bad decisions which can impact their life negatively.


Sharing a post or texting from social media platforms such as Instagram,  Facebook  and many others has become peoples daily life. That is not a problem because everyone is free to post and do what they want. The problem is that people don’t understand that not only their close circle can see it but everyone else in the world can too such as criminal and intelligence agencies , your privacy is not safe in social media. Your personal life and current events  can be seen. Even though many people believe that they can just put their profile private, many studies show that doesn’t really work.